Because Dan was still feeling sick, we went to bed early only to be woken around midnight by a strange high pitched electronic noise... yup, you guessed it, it was the tornado warning alarm. (You can find us at Catoosa) Not recalling 100% the protocol, I asked Dan where we should go... and was glad to hear my theory was correct, the bath tub. Joey and I were glued to the TV while Dan ran outside to the lobby (does anyone else find that odd? :) :) :)), gathering with the other native Oakies to see what was up. The sirens stopped shortly and within 30 mintues we were back to trying to sleep. Joey was the most disturbed by the evening's events and Dan was soon snoring soundly. No confirmed touch downs, but wind shears did knock a semi over across the parking lot. Today has been a mixed bag of humidity and rain.

We were able to meet Dan's dear friend Cara, her husband Doug and her mother Bev this morning for breakfast. It is always such a treat to meet with her and a pleasure to meet her family. She is a witty, intelligent gal who has great stories to share (especially love to hear the ones about Danny from high school). Bev shared some great ocean cruise advice based on her extensive experience as we shared our plans for the rest of our sabbatical. We met for breakfast at Hugo's, a lovely little diner that served some of the yummiest bacon I've ever had the pleasure of eating. It was a fantastic way to start our morning. Cara, Thanks so much for everything this morning :).

After breakfast, Dan was still feeling ill. Joey and I dropped him off at the hotel so we could do some errand running and touring. Joey got his hair cut and looks simply dashing for tomorrow's wedding. I was able to find a sweater for my dress along with some other "neccessities". Next, we drove back to Claremore to visit the J.M. Davis Arms & Historical Museum. Joey loved all the guns, and to be honest, I had NO idea there could be so many different guns in one place. My favorites were the old guns. I especially liked the display that showed the guns from the War for Independence thru to recent Desert Storm. Joey liked anything that looked big or automatic. :) Here he is in front of one of the cannons on display.
Tonight, dinner at the casino and then we'll see Dan's sister Tina tomorrow. Can't wait!
Right now I'm in the car in the McDonalds parking lot next to our hotel "stealing" their wireless to post this... so I best get back to the boys so we can catch dinner.
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