On the way back from McDonald's this morning Joey says "Hey! These are the flowers we use for the Hum-Dee-Dum game?" Me, "The What?" Joey shared that it's a game he plays with his Dad, they look for the biggest flower and then race to see who can kick it first. "So you kill these flowers?" "No!" A heart beat pause, "Well, yeah... but it's okay!"
I love when Joey tell stories! Sounds like a fun game.
I see a new cause arising: "Save the Hum-Dee-Dums" - potential for t-shirts, bumper stickers, newspaper and television ads!! Joey, save those Hum-Dee-Dums!
Let me explain! We do not go about randomly kicking flowers. Hum-dee-dum is what I say while sneaking up on a poor defenseless Dandelions, which are considered WEEDS. Joey likes to see them go Poof when we kick the tar out of them. So I try to sneak up on them before he can kick them first. It's hours of good weed spreading fun. He knows it as "The Hum-Dee-Dum Game" Leo
I see a new cause arising: "Save the Hum-Dee-Dums" - potential for t-shirts, bumper stickers, newspaper and television ads!! Joey, save those Hum-Dee-Dums!
Let me explain! We do not go about randomly kicking flowers. Hum-dee-dum is what I say while sneaking up on a poor defenseless Dandelions, which are considered WEEDS. Joey likes to see them go Poof when we kick the tar out of them. So I try to sneak up on them before he can kick them first. It's hours of good weed spreading fun. He knows it as "The Hum-Dee-Dum Game" Leo
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