Today was a frantic race to pack, clean house, pull weeds (YUCK!!) and get prepared for our first advneture. A HUGE thanks to PAPA for doing a once over on my car to make sure she's long-rode-trip worthy! We'll be driving towards Oklahoma to Darrin & Brooke's wedding and also to see Dan's family. It's been way too long since we've seen his sisters and Dad and we're looking forward to re-uniting!
As you can see to the left, Dan's ankle is turning a gorgeous shade of black and blue, so I guess he's not faking ;-). It's still severly swollen, but we have crutches for hop-along so hopefully that will foster healing.
Tommorrow, Joey and I will get up early to swimm and work out... then our adventures begin with a trip to the Pima Air Museum.
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