Books: Undead and Unworthy by MaryJanice Davidson, A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin, Fifty Years in Pictures by Harry Benson
Movies: In Theater: Wanted, Sex & the City, The Incredible Hulk. Rentals: Chaos, No Country for Old Men, and Disturbia. Also caught up on the Deadliest Catch... does Capt. Phil have cancer??? :( Have I mentioned my sick fascination with Dirty Jobs? Hmm, what's "dirty" in semi-conductor that we can have them come do a show on? Any suggestions?
Been working through some scrapbooking, here's my latest page. It seems kinda simple, compared with the stuff I've been doing in my digital classes. However, I think my scrapbook style is more the "Simple Scrapbook" kind - focused on journalling more than the "Creating Keepsakes" style of creating art. If a page takes me more the 20 to 30 minutes, I feel I've spent to long on it!

"One of the things that I looked forward to most on the cruise was dressing up to attend the formal meal. We had two meals, one on Monday night and the other on Saturday night. Unfortunately, Dan had other plans and did not pack any type of long pants nor semi dressy shirt. I hadn’t planned to take Joey to the formal so not packing pants for him was not a big deal, but I admit I was disappointed to find that Dan had neglected to pack anything for himself. Dan, being the wonderful man that he is, appreciated my desire to go and so the search for PANTS began. At each port stop, Dan looked for both a pair of pants and a nice shirt that he could wear to the formal on Saturday. Because of our full excursion schedule, shopping time was minimal... however on the last day in Roatan, Honduras, we had the opportunity to do some shopping. We walked to Yaba Ding Din’s and found the above shirt for $30. After asking directions to a clothing store we headed back to the ship and found, in the window a stack of pants. Dan walked and and picked through the pile, surprisingly we found a perfect khaki pair (also pictured) for only $5! No, we didn’t even try to bargain for a lower cost. My dress cost about $15 on clearance and was purchased at Target before Joey was born. So, for about $50, Dan and I were able to attend the ship’s formal. It was a glorious meal and a fantastic time. We even enjoyed some wine with our scruptious meal!"
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