Thursday, June 26, 2008

06/25/08 & 06/26/08 At home

Well, we are home safe and sound. Our flight landed early yesterday morning and after early morning naps, Joey went to his Dad's house. I purchased groceries at Costco and then we went to see The Incredible Hulk... a much better movie than I expected.

Today, went for a run and lost my bracelet from the cruise so Dan went with me to search for it... we somehow got lucky enough to find it, YEAH!!! :) My mom joined me for lunch and then to see the movie Sex and the City since Dan decided that was WAY too girly for him and seeing it would impact his testosterone level.

Nothing else exciting planned for the next couple of days... catch up on laundry, chores and work outs before we leave for our next adventure, a trip to Rocky Point with my family.

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