Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Been a busy day today!

Dan and I went to Intel today to do our weigh in and I did it! I hit lifetime weight and now only have to weigh in 1x per month. In addition, I hit my 30lb mark. I'm so excited! It's been a long 5 months to get to this point, but I have achieved it. I'm actually in smaller size clothes now that I was in college but that's mostly due to the work out I've maintained over the past 5 months. I feel great and am pleased I managed to continue to lose weight while traveling to Oklahoma. I think we ate at Subway everyday but one while we were gone!

Also got my hair cut (which Dan hasn't noticed yet... however he's in the midst of bonding with his X-box 360 so the oversight is more than forgivable!), bought some desparately desired veggies and am ready to cook something yummy for dinner.

Joey and I spent a few hours at the Hamilton Pool today. He doesn't like that I make him do laps with me, but he totally enjoyed the play time. He must have jumped off that diving board 6 times today! He's a good kid, too. I was reading a magazine and when I looked up I couldn't find him so I wandered around looking for him. He was doing as I asked and keeping an eye out for me as well, and found me before I found him. I love that he's getting older and more mature.

Almost caught up on laundry so I can pack for the next leg of the journey. Going lighter than Oklahoma, but that's a good thing. And Joey goes to his Dad's tonight, which he is super excited about! Dan and I will probably take in a movie.

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