Spent a lot of time picking up house for the our wonderful house cleaner today. LOVE THAT WOMAN, Lynn is great and team house cleaning takes fantastic care for us. The best money I spend twice a month! Lynn, send me your web address and I'll make sure to plug and link you in! :)
Got a number of items posted to ebay today, still need to finish sorting through the scrapbook room and posting scrap stuff, but got almost all of the CAbi clothes I'm too small for up. (YEAH!) Let's hope I can make a wee bit of cash of the effort.
Had success at Runner's Den yesterday and came home with some new shoes. Tested them out this morning and jogged my 1.5 with no pain all day, yeah! (Thanks again Pam!!!) ALSO JUST down 16th street from Runner's Den is
Tall Girl, a shop I found YEARS ago that sells... yup, tall girl clothing! I've always wanted to check it out but never made the long journey to Phoenix for a visit. Well, I came home with two pairs of pants and a jean jacket and a ton of other items I COULD have purchased but didn't. Most of the pants they carry are a 36 or 37" inseam... which means even I would need to hem them. Crazy cool for sure!
Other than that, Dan hooked us up with a convertible mustang rental car for a brief overnight to Sedona Friday to Saturday night and we saw Hellboy today. Not too bad as far as action flicks go.
Well, it's WAY to late for me to be up, so I bid you good night! Till tomorrow!