While at the pool today; Dan was lounging near the pool when (cue dramatic music) Dan saw a woman gesturing frantically. Being astute and quick of mind he saw a tiny girl floundering just under the water in the pool… with no thought to himself, he grabbed his red bay watch life float and dove into the water, rushing to the small girl’s aide and lifting her heroically to the side (cue bay watch happy tune). The mother ran over to scoop up her small child and lavish words of thanks on Dan for saving her favorite child. The child, somewhat shaken, also gave Dan and big hug and kiss for saving her life.
Okay that was Dan’s version…
What REALLY happened; Dan was hanging out in the pool and saw some woman gesturing frantically… he kinda looked around trying to figure out what her commotion was all about. He finally noticed the little girl not really swimming in the pool and put 2 and 2 together. He pulled her out and plopped her on the side of the pool where Mom did rush over to make sure her daughter was okay. The lady said “gracias” to Dan before they wandered off. No music was heard.
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